Who We Are

Heather Jessica Headshot

Longtime friends Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan have been writing together since 2004, when they co-founded Go Fug Yourself, a popular snarky celebrity-fashion site. Together, they’ve penned two young adult novels — Spoiled and Messy — and The Royal We, a work of adult contemporary fiction based loosely on the courtship of Prince William and Kate Middleton that was a USA Today bestseller, a PeopleĀ magazine editor’s pick, and a New York Times summer reading list selection, and its sequel, the best-selling The Heir Affair. The Royal We was recently optioned by Lauren Graham, Mae Whitman, and CBS Films. They have also written for various publications, ranging from Grazia to New York to Redbook. They are repped by Brettne Bloom of The Book Group.